Today started off rough Mike and I had a debate on bills. Now the fun begins with balancing the checkbook and the life of a business owner. Of course on my drive in this morning I couldn’t help but notice all of the average citizens working. For a second the thought crosses my mind wouldn’t it be easier just to be average.
It was about 7:00 am when I left the house and as I drove to work I noticed all these random people working; the dry cleaning lady, the garbage men, the gas station attendant, and that guy who is always in his real estate office super early working away? I often wonder if he ever leaves. Today was different than any other day I am starting to look at the world and its people differently. I recently read a book called Rich Man and a Poor Man, which is why I am looking at things so differently. The book talked a lot about the middle class and the rich. The author stated that those who go to work everyday are shooting themselves in the foot every time they get up and go to work. There’s a lot to the book but this statement stuck with me and stood out especially today. Those of us who choose to work for someone else are basically making the bosses/share holders richer. I love watching people in their profession and admire everyone’s strengths, but this morning was different. I made my first business cards today, and will have the first meeting tomorrow with my long time client BC Global. Emily said something to me today that cracked me up, she said Mom you must of misunderstood yourself. Yes you must have misunderstood yourself, you said I could ride my scooter back and forth twice down the street. Both the kids say such innocent things that crack me up and keep reminding me why I am doing this. More time with them is what I’ve wanted for a long long time.